Mrs. Bee

Thanks for coming back!

Hello! My name is Jenni and I am me.  I am a daughter (obvs), a sister to three younger siblings, a wife, a mother of six littles (and not so littles), a homemaker, an entrepreneur, a teacher, and a friend (to a few good {wo}men).  I know I am missing a lot of other "titles" but those are the few that really define me.  I will start at the beginning.

I was born in 1980something :) to my mother, Diana, who was only fifteen at the time.  The first eight-ish years of my life, I was raised my a few amazing women; my mother, my grandmother, and my aunts.   You see, my mom did what most people don't.  She stayed in school and graduated!  My grandma and aunts stepped in and mothered me.  I don't remember a lot of my early years, but I do remember feeling like those women, my "mommys" were always there for me and that they were my safe place.  Even though two of my aunties have since passed away, I know that I still have a strong support system.  But more about that later.  My parents got married in 1991 and very shortly after that, we started attending church regularly.  We lived in southern California until 1996 when we relocated to where we are now, Idaho.  I was thirteen when we moved away, therefore, I was angry about it.  My father, who at the time, I did not have the best relationship with, "ripped me away from my family and friends".  Keep in mind, I was thirteen.  Everything was the end of the world for me.  It took me a few years or fifteen, to get to the point where I didn't resent my dad for making that decision.  It took me going through a ton of hurt, heartbreak, and healing to get to where I am today.  I made and lost a few friends in my junior high and high school years.  Some I am still connected with and some I fear will never be what they once were.  Such is life, right?  Anyways.  I finished high school and got the heck out of Idaho.  As fast as I possibly could.  I finished school but I was only seventeen.  I had been hurt and wanted nothing to do with any of those people and places anymore.  I wanted a fresh start.  So I signed my life away (not really) to go to a Bible college in California.  I would be at least a little closer to my family and friends.  I would have the opportunity to meet new people and maybe even figure out what I was supposed to do with my life.  I met new people but the latter still was a mystery when I left three months later.  My parents couldn't afford to pay my tuition and I couldn't find a job.  I also realized that life outside of stinky old Idaho was a lot worse than I thought it was.  I thought if I could get away, it would all be okay.  Three months in and all I wanted was to get the heck out of California and back to Idaho.  My "home".  Blech.  Rewind a skosh, yes that's a word, to week one of Bible college.  This is going to seem like a long story, and it is, but it all means something.  Promise.  I met a guy.  *insert eye roll emoji* This guy was actually a kid I went to elementary school with before we left The Golden State.  We reconnected and bonded and blah blah blah.  He then broke my oh so sensitive seventeen year old heart by telling me that he wasn't that interested in me.  But hold on one sweet minute, his room mate had eyes for me and wanted to get to know me.  We "courted" and then got engaged.  I left CA and went home to prepare for the blessed day.  The rest is as they say, history.  A very boring, sordid, dark, and unhappy history.   Fast forward five years later.  After some fighting, counseling, more fighting, and a boat load of hurt, we divorced.  Apparently, he felt that was the only answer.  It's cool though.  I got my two oldest kids out of the deal.  So not a total loss.  This is when Jenni spiraled.  Down into a deep dark pit of despair.  Drama queen much??  To put it plainly, I lost my mind.  I behaved in a way that I am forever ashamed of.  I became a person that was only interested in what made me feel good.  I partied, I drank, I had relationships with people I had no business having relationships with.  I did not care about anyone else.  It was just me.  Until I realized that it wasn't just me.  I had two beautiful babies that I was just dragging along for the ride.  It was only after I lost my great job, that I realized that I HAD to make a change.  That was about two years.  Two very long years.  I did what I thought I would never do.  I moved back in with my ex-husband.  Not for any reason, other than, somebody else needed to take care of my children while I got my head on straight and figured out my life.  And eventually, I did.  I met a man that would change my life forever.  He changed my heart ya'll.  After a very short dating period, 6 days to be exact, we got engaged and were married seven months later.  We are now settled in northern Idaho with our six beautiful children.  We are members of an amazing church family.  We are a happy family.  Most days :)  Let's be real, we have six children so life is always a little crazy.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! 

Stay tuned for more juicy Bee drama. 
